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Breath of Life Retreat I Portugal

Sun, 26 Sept


Gravito Retreat Center

This space is for you to deepen selflove, selfcare, selfworth! A week fully supported to explore your breath of life! A space where you can just snap your walls, a space where you can dive into your softness, your power, your divine self. You are welcome & hold in the circle!

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Breath of Life Retreat I Portugal
Breath of Life Retreat I Portugal

Wann & Wo

26 Sept 2021, 16:00 – 02 Oct 2021, 15:00

Gravito Retreat Center, Rua do Gravito 96, 3270-351 Pedrogrão Grande, Portugal


A re-treat to expand into your breath of life.

A re-treat to experience connection with yourself and the familia.

A re-treat to rewrite your past and shape your beautiful self now.

A re-treat to explore your boundaries, your Yes and your divine No.

A re-treat to create safety within your self.

A re-treat to put yourself first and invest in yourself.


We start on Sunday late afternoon with a welcome Ceremony and end on Saturday with a Goodbye Ceremony around Lunch.

During the week, we will flow through lots of daily practices, to really integrate everything that you are - as your nervous system stores every little thing. We will flow playfully through lots of embodiment tools; stored emotions, behaviors and mental chatters will have space to be seen, felt and to be integrated. Tension, dis-balance, patterns & wounds of the body & nervous system will be watched at with mental, emotional and bodywork. We reclaim the split parts of the soul back, to feel and to become complete; being more grounded in the body so you can expand yourself in safety! YOU decide, what you want to take from the retreat. It's perfect, where you are at.

We give you the space to explore yourself with Breathwork, Pranayama, Embodiment Practices, Free Dancing, Nature rituals, Healing Workshops, Singing Circles (Kirtan/Mantra), Sharing Circles, Connecting Exersices, Elemental Rituals, Healing & Integration Meditations, Yin & Hatha Yoga.

"We are so happy to create and hold this sacred space for you! It will be a deep dive into the understanding of our survival mechanisms and the resulting patterns and imprintings.

If you are ready to break open early childhood trauma - which doesn't even need to appear as trauma - to see yourself and the reason why you manifested life as it is right now to reclaim RESPONSIBILITY for your life, your actions and reactions... then this retreat is for you!!!"


Sunday 26th September - Saturday 2nd October 2021


In the most beautiful resort G r a v i t o - we will be living in tippies and domes in a wild forest far away from civilization.

There will be a shuttle from Lisbon airport to the retreat Center on Sunday the 26th and back on Saturday 2nd October.


The whole week package is 1440 CHF.

If you bring a friend, it will be for each of you 1220 CHF.

Other requests are welcome.

Mischku & Aurelia, in support from little Kali (Daugther of Mischku).

- your breath of life retreats

The facilitators


is a free spirit, grounded in her body. She is a Craniosacral Therapist, fully embodied Breathwork Facilitator and a Yoga Teacher. Aurelia is a developmental trauma nerd, what helps her, to understand and therefore support clients. It has been the big changing in herself, to understand and come back to selflove and compassion for her beloveds.

She is very passionate about the breath, to create medicine circles and embodiment practices, to get access to every cell, nerve and muscle of the being. Ecstatic Free Natura Dancing and Mantra Singing Circles opens her body mind and soul wide and makes her feel most alive. She has a strong presence, to make people feel seen, safe, heard and understood. She supports and empowers humans, to go deep into their depths and feel safe with it, explore their inner childs, inner masculine and feminine to bring healing and balance into the whole system. To find back into their divine selves and live the new earth in harmony, happiness and freedom. H a r i O m .


is a medicine woman, doula and Mama of the new Earth. She embodies the archetype of the wild woman who is listening to her intuition, surrenders to the flow of life in the outside as well as in the inside and is following her soul`s voice, her inner calling. Through light and darkness, bliss and pain, heights and depths, through all facets of life`s existence.

She loves to bring humans together into community to guide them through ceremonies and rituals by creating and holding a sacred and safe space where deep transformation and healing can happen. One of her gifts is to see the potential that lies within every being and to make you remember of this medicine you carry inside yourself.

She is also learning a lot about trauma and all the patterns and imprintings we humans developed as a child. To see beyond these mechanisms is very illuminating and gives more compassion and understanding of how other humans are acting and reacting.

May we all be able to understand how we as an individual work, including all of our life experiences, past life experiences, ancestral traumas we carry and all experiences of the collective field, to be able to see and hold each other, to nurture and honour, to grow & heal together and to see & celebrate all the beauty and abundance this life is.


If it comes to an unexpected Cancellation, we charge you 150 CHF for additional expenses.


- until 4th September the 150 CHF for additional expenses.

- from 5th September - 18th September have to be payed with 50% of the Retreat Cost à 720 CHF.

- from 19th - 24th September have to be payed with 80% of the Retreat Cost à 1150 CHF.

- from 25th September the full Retreat has to be payed

- excluded you find someone for your slot to join the retreat! 


- if you get ill/sick towards the retreat, you need a medical certificate to get the payed amount of the retreat back from your personal insurance (travel/annulation insurance).

Thank you for your comprehension.


If you are positive self tested of Covid 19, just before the retreat starts, we ask you to make the PCR test, in order to be sure. If you are positive, you are not allowed to join the retreat and you need to get the payed amount back of your private travel/annulation insurance, if you have one.

If you do not have an insurance, or they do not refund the retreat, you will get a voucher for a next retreat with us.

Thank you for understanding!

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